iNES Mapper 033 represents Taito's TC0190. It also represents a subset of Taito's TC0350, but the only game we currently know to have used that IC ( Don Doko Don ) didn't use its interrupt abilities (which are identical to those described on iNES Mapper 048).
Here are Disch's original notes: ======================== = Mapper 033 = ======================== Example Games: -------------------------- Akira Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou Don Doko Don Insector X Note: -------------------------- Most dumps of mapper 048 games floating around are erroneously labelled as mapper 033. Mapper 033 does not have IRQs, mapper 048 does, and mirroring on each is handled a bit differently. Apart from that, the two are very similar. Registers: -------------------------- Range,Mask: $8000-BFFF, $A003 $8000 [.MPP PPPP] M = Mirroring (0=Vert, 1=Horz) P = PRG Reg 0 (8k @ $8000) $8001 [..PP PPPP] PRG Reg 1 (8k @ $A000) $8002 [CCCC CCCC] CHR Reg 0 (2k @ $0000) $8003 [CCCC CCCC] CHR Reg 1 (2k @ $0800) $A000 [CCCC CCCC] CHR Reg 2 (1k @ $1000) $A001 [CCCC CCCC] CHR Reg 3 (1k @ $1400) $A002 [CCCC CCCC] CHR Reg 4 (1k @ $1800) $A003 [CCCC CCCC] CHR Reg 5 (1k @ $1C00) PRG Setup: --------------------------- $8000 $A000 $C000 $E000 +-------+-------+-------+-------+ | $8000 | $8001 | { -2} | { -1} | +-------+-------+-------+-------+ CHR Setup: --------------------------- $0000 $0400 $0800 $0C00 $1000 $1400 $1800 $1C00 +---------------+---------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | $8002 | $8003 | $A000 | $A001 | $A002 | $A003 | +---------------+---------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
Note that unlike the MMC3, the value written for the two 2 KiB CHR banks do not drop the LSB; the number written specifies the offset into CHR as a multiple of 2 KiB. Furthermore, it turns out the MSB of the register is implemented (even if no games ever used it) and the two 2 KiB CHR banks can address a full 512 KiB of CHR. (The four 1 KiB CHR banks are limited to the first 256 KiB of CHR)
The TC0190 also showed up in a few arcade games using Taito's F2 hardware.
Categories: INES Mappers, MMC3-like mappers