iNES Mapper 048 represents Taito's TC0690. It also represents a superset of the abilities provided the TC0190+PAL16R4 boards (which have no interrupts).
To the best of our knowledge, the following six games require this mapper:
Notes: -------------------------- Most dumps of mapper 048 games floating around are erroneously labelled as mapper 033. Mapper 033 does not have IRQs, mapper 048 does, and mirroring on each is handled a bit differently. Apart from that, the two are very similar. This mapper is very similar to MMC3 in a lot of ways, including how the IRQ counter operates. Registers: -------------------------- Range,Mask: $8000-FFFF, $E003 $8000: PRG Reg 0 (8k @ $8000) $8001: PRG Reg 1 (8k @ $A000) $8002: CHR Reg 0 (2k @ $0000) $8003: CHR Reg 1 (2k @ $0800) $A000: CHR Reg 2 (1k @ $1000) $A001: CHR Reg 3 (1k @ $1400) $A002: CHR Reg 4 (1k @ $1800) $A003: CHR Reg 5 (1k @ $1C00) $C000: IRQ Reload $C001: IRQ Clear $C002: IRQ Enable $C003: IRQ Acknowledge $E000: [.M.. ....] Mirroring 0 = Vert 1 = Horz PRG Setup: --------------------------- $8000 $A000 $C000 $E000 +-------+-------+-------+-------+ | $8000 | $8001 | { -2} | { -1} | +-------+-------+-------+-------+ CHR Setup: --------------------------- $0000 $0400 $0800 $0C00 $1000 $1400 $1800 $1C00 +---------------+---------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | $8002 | $8003 | $A000 | $A001 | $A002 | $A003 | +---------------+---------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ IRQs: --------------------------- IRQs on this mapper seem to behave exactly like MMC3's IRQs, with 2 exceptions: 1) The written reload value is inverted. EG: Writing $06 to the reload reg on this mapper would be like writing $F9 on MMC3. You can simply XOR the writes with $FF and it will work just like MMC3. 2) The IRQ seems to trip a little later than it does on MMC3. It looks like about a 4 CPU cycle delay from the normal MMC3 IRQ time. Failure to put in this delay results in shaking and other graphical quirks in some games. The registers on this mapper corespond directly to regs on the MMC3: 048 - MMC3 --------------- $C000 $C000 (XOR written value with $FF) $C001 $C001 $C002 $E001 $C003 $E000 For details on MMC3 IRQ operation, see mapper 004.
Note that unlike the MMC3, the value written for the two 2 KiB CHR banks do not drop the LSB; the number written specifies the offset into CHR as a multiple of 2 KiB. Furthermore, it turns out the MSB of the register is implemented (even if no games ever used it) and the two 2 KiB CHR banks can address a full 512 KiB of CHR. (The four 1 KiB CHR banks are limited to the first 256 KiB of CHR)
Different games seem to require subtly different IRQ timing. Because the cartridges are so rare, it's unclear but possible that there's actually yet another ASIC that we have not yet documented. [1]
Categories: Mappers with scanline IRQs, INES Mappers, MMC3-like mappers