Here are Disch's original notes: ======================== = Mapper 165 = ======================== Example Games: -------------------------- Fire Emblem (Unl) (some weird ?Chinese? pirate version) Notes: --------------------------- This mapper is a strange MMC2+MMC3 hybrid. Register style, PRG, mirroring, ?and even IRQs? of MMC3, with the CHR swapping and CHR latch functionality of MMC2. There is 4k CHR-RAM in addition to any CHR-ROM present. For details on MMC3, see mapper 004. For details on MMC2, see mapper 009. Both will be referenced heavily in this doc. Operation: --------------------------- Register layout, PRG Setup, SRAM enabling, Mirroring, all function as they do on your vanilla MMC3. The CHR Regs (R:0 - R:5) are used in MMC2 style: CHR Setup: $0000 $0400 $0800 $0C00 $1000 $1400 $1800 $1C00 +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | <<R:0>> or <<R:1>> | <<R:2>> or <<R:4>> | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ The same latches that exist on MMC2 exist on this mapper as well, and determine the appropriate reg. CHR page 0 is CHR-RAM, other pages are CHR-ROM. Notes: --------------------------- This game specifically will read ppu$xFD0 or ppu$xFE0 via $2007 to manually toggle the latch (specifically, to swap in the CHR-RAM page). Failure to emulate this method of MMC2 latch toggling will result in garbled graphics.
Categories: INES Mappers, MMC3-like mappers