NES 2.0 Mapper 525 is used for mapper hacks of VRC2-using games. Specific known games include Kaiser bootleg versions of Contra and 月風魔伝 (Getsu Fūma Den). Its UNIF board name is UNL-KS7021A.
Mask: $F000
$8000: [.... PPP.] - Select 16KiB PRG bank at $8000-$BFFF $9000: [.... ...M] - like VRC2, 0: Vertical Mirroring (PPU A10); 1: Horizontal Mirroring (PPU A11)
Mask: $F007
The 7021A PCB contains a 7400, a 7427, a 7432, a 7474, a 74139, a 74157, a 74174, two 74189s, and the two ROMs.
Categories: Discrete logic mappers